The Wild Way is a name that represents who we are and what we believe, both in coffee and life in general.
I (Christine) writing in a journal one day scribbled down,
"I want our coffee shop name to represent our intentions with this business. It needs to represent this crazy adventure of starting a business. Represent the way we want to live."
The Wild Way came to mind. It represented all those things and more. In a world that tells us how we should operate, what we should believe, how we should spend our money - We get tired of being funneled down the current of what society says we should do. We try daily to take the wild way. To take the road less traveled. We aren't perfect at it, but we sure as hell try.
Don't mind me as I quote the brave and fearless Brene Brown and her words that rolled off the page like honey to inspire me:
"There will be times when standing alone feels too hard, too scary, and we'll doubt our ability to make our way through the uncertainty. Someone, somewhere, will say, 'Don't do it. You don't have what it takes to survive the wilderness.' This is when you reach deep into your wild heart and remind yourself, 'I am the wilderness.'"
We are the wilderness, and we will choose the wild way.